World Dream Atlas

« The villages here are all dying. The elderly pass away and the young leave for the cities. Abandoned houses are everywhere. One by one, they are overrun by the encroaching forest. I spend my evenings reading about the days of the Samurai, where common men like me built this country. I wish that I lived then instead of now. What kind of future do we have to look forward to? I am a simple farmer, and we think in terms of seasons. I cannot contemplate a hundred or a thousand years. I often dream of being chased. I do not know what is chasing me, but I am too afraid to turn around. I do not even know why I am running, but I am too afraid to stop. »

— Nagoro, Japan


I’m not a very religious man, but one night, I saw a dead holy man very very clearly


Then the father instructed the older son to hammer nails into the younger son’s back, which he did